I am giving you the gift of being able to listen to my music.

I have always dreamed of being able to give my music away. I thought I would do it once I made enough money making music. But it turns out that "enough money" is hard to define, and I don't want to wait anymore. 

I believe that music heals.  It has always been my mission to open people's hearts and I think my music does. 

Here's how to do it!   Visit Bandcamp and select an album for download.  It will prompt you to donate but you are welcome to put in $0. My gift to you!


Questions for Ellis

  1. Will your songs still be available for sale?

    Yes, of course.  You can put $0 in on bandcamp or you can choose an amount.  Your choice!  Also, my albums are available at shows, online and in the few remaining record stores, and anywhere else that sells digital music. 

  2. Will you still sell CDs and vinyl?

    Yes! I will still be selling hard-copy CDs and vinyl until I run out.

  3. Do I have to sign up on your mailing list, give a donation, or become a Patron to get the mp3s?

    Nope. You just have to ask. Patrons and Kickstarter folx will always get FIRST access, but once an album is officially released, I’ll make the digital version available to everyone.

  4. When did you make this decision? Are you sure it's a good idea?

    I don't know if it's a good idea, but it is the realization of long-standing dream of mine. Here's the note I sent to my email list explaining it on Dec 1, 2016. 

  5. Are you giving up making music? Are you not making more albums?

    No, not at all!  Even though sales are down, I will keep recording albums.  I will just make sure I pay for the albums in advance, so I won't depend of future sales to fund them. 

    I am able to do this BECAUSE so many of you supported the Kickstarter and are members on Patreon.

  6. I already bought a copy - can I still ask for an MP3 copy?

    Of course. You can download a digital version whether you bought it or not. Whether you've been a long time supporter or if you haven't bought one thing. I want everyone who wants my music to be able to listen to it.

  7. Can I use your songs in my film, project, or other licensing thing for free?

    No. I am still retaining all ownership and rights to my songs. You can get a digital copy for personal listening, but if you want to put them in a commercial project, you need a licensing agreement from me. Please send me a note! :)

  8. Any other questions?

    Just email me!