Ways to connect in these uncertain times

hank you for visiting my website during this scary and unprecedented time in our lifetimes. We need one another more than ever, and I hope we can stay in contact even though I won't be playing any in-person concerts for a while.  Wishing you peace love health and music!

If you would like to download my music, you can find it on Bandcamp. You can make a donation or accept it as a gift from me.

If you would like to stay in touch with me and support my music, check out my Patreon page and consider becoming a monthly micro-patron (for as little as $2 a month!)

If you enjoy Facebook, you can follow my personal profile or like my band page

If you'd like to hear my weekly phone hotline, the Right On Time Hotline, call 612-998-2355. You can text me or leave me a voicemail page after listening to my weekly message. I've been doing this for TWO years now. Wow!

Also, you can join my email newsletter here. 

Also, per request I have a few resources that I go to regularly that help me find ground when I find myself groundless;

Tara Brach Podcast

Bhikkhu Anālayo’s Offerings

Common Ground Sunday Morning Weekly Practice

Common Ground Meditation Center

Sharon Salzberg - Loving kindness meditation and COVID-19 Resources


Ordinary Love coming soon!